Monday, August 8, 2011

One Year Later

I just looked back and read some of my posts from last year. It's hard for me to believe that the last time I posted something was exactly a year ago. The things that I have been through this past year is indescribable and it would take me hours to recap and honestly, there are some things better left unsaid.

In RL, I started a working again which is nice and I'm back at home w/my parents for the time being. Just as much as SL, I've also been through a lot in RL. Things are much better these days... I'm smiling more, I wake up happy, and I feel a bit more settled than I have.

Just as I posted a year ago about being excited at working OSE, I am just as excited for the new year that's approaching with the school. I can't wait to start my class and continue forward with the projects, journals, homework, etc. I think this year I'm going to toss up things a bit differently just to give it some spunk. I alsoooo, have something else that I'm working on but it's still a secret and there's a lot more planning to do before I can reveal it. I'm super excited about it, too and can not wait to get things going for it.

There's been a lot of changes in the past months,  some for the better and some not so much. As I have always said, as many always say... things do happen for a reason. I'm taking one day at a time and thanking God for what I do have in my life. Just in the past two days Kenzie came back to me as my godbaby which is a gift, it's a blessing and last night I was given another special gift and was asked to be Mae's godmother. The smile on my face just got bigger, to my ears really and they are my joy. The past few weeks I've been working on mending relationships and proving myself worthy to my friends and family. I just can't tell any of you how much I've learned in the past month about how important it is to keep those who you love in your life and not to push them away no matter what you are going through. I really had no idea what I had until it was completely gone and I will be sure to never let that happen again. On to bigger and better things, right?

I hope to write in my blog more than I have in the past year and I hope that you check back often.

Ciao Mein Noodles.

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