Sunday, June 13, 2010

Defeated Procrastination.

I've finally finished two full outfits for lil boys. Yes, I am a clothing designer, but no one huge. I started out making clothing for women...easy choice, I am a woman! Then decided eh...there's enough of those out there, let's try men's stuff!! Bleh... so then I head in the direction of lil girls clothing and found absolutely no interest in it at all. Not to mention, once again that there are truly enough lil girls clothing out there as well. Sooo then I thought to about boy clothing!! Yaaay! And and...I'm having fun with it.

I beat procrastination in the face today and made two complet outfits for lil boys. I had a lot of help from my husband. He keeps me focused (sometimes) but more than that he motivates me to do my best and to get it done.

Now I'm headed in the direction of hats and belts for lil boys which I know is going to be challenging but great funastic fun.

For those of you curious the name of me and my husband's store is Amame. It's clothing specifically geared for men and boys. We just got started so our inventory isn't huge but it's a work in progress. We are very excited about it.

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