Saturday, July 17, 2010

HK Summer Camp '10

What a wonderful week it's been at camp. So much time with friends and family, meeting new people, making memories. It's really been a beautiful experience. *takes a deep breath* But boy oh boy... I have been so busy, which makes it a little rough. I've been able to spend some time with my husband and kids which is always a great time, not to mention that it brings us closer as a family.

My husband has done a crazy amount of events for the kids, not nearly as much as I did. He put forth a lot of effort, thought, and his own time into what he wanted to provide for the kids. I am so blessed to have him as my anchor. Crazily enough I've already started thinking about some things that we want to do for the Fall Camp... whenever that is. I believe you can never be too early in planning. I want to make sure that Cree and I are on top of it this year and more well organized.

There's so much that we did through out camp to talk about it all in this post so I'll just post a few pictures for you to get a glimpse. However, the camp video will really show all sides of what the week has been like. Now it's time to set up and get ready for the RFL marathon this weekend. I'm looking forward to it... it's my first. I hope to see you all there!

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